What's Included

  • 1

    Before You Begin

    • Welcome

    • Preparing a Home Prayer Space

  • 2

    Invitation to Prayer I: Freedom to Love and Be Loved

    • Talk

    • Handout

    • Music Suggestion

  • 3

    Invitation to Prayer II: Freedom to Follow

    • Talk

    • Handout

    • Music Suggestion

  • 4

    Invitation to Prayer III: Freedom to Let Go and to Flourish

    • Talk

    • Handout

    • Music Suggestion

    • Blessing of Freedom, Edward Hays

  • 5


    • Thank You

Retreat Director

Andy Otto

Andy Otto is a member of the Pastoral department at Ignatius House where he guides digital programming and leads retreats. He also works in Adult Faith Formation at St. Thomas More Catholic Church in Decatur, Ga., a Jesuit parish. He holds an M.A. in Theology and Ministry from Boston College. Originally from Boston, Andy spent nearly three years as a Jesuit studying for the priesthood, which helped form his love for Ignatian spirituality. During that time, he taught primary school students in Syracuse, NY and Kingston, Jamaica, worked at a palliative care cancer hospital in the Bronx, and was a chaplain at Georgetown University Hospital in Washington, DC. He is the creator of GodInAllThings.com, and is the author of God Moments: Unexpected Encounters in the Ordinary. Andy enjoys helping people discover the wisdom of discernment in the Ignatian tradition.